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1912년 일제강점기 서울의 모습, Roy Chapman Andrews (1912)

by 여우ㅤㅤ 2023. 11. 13.

1910년대 말 혹은 1920년대 초에 미국자연사박물관(American Museum of Natural History, AMNH)의 포유동물 및 조류학 부서 보조 큐레이터였던 로이 채프먼 앤드루스(Roy Chapman Andrews)가 촬영한 35mm 필름 중 현존하는 부분으로 당시 서울의 풍경을 담은 영상자료입니다.
과거 미국의 박물학자였던 로이 채프먼 앤드루스(Roy Chapman Andrews)가 동해안에 출몰하던 귀신고래 탐사를 위해 한국에 방문했었던 1912년에 촬영한 필름으로 알려져 있었던 바 있었습니다. 그러나 이 영상 중 종로 시가지 장면에서 조선기독교청년회관 건물이 1914년도 증축된 이후의 모습인 것으로 보입니다. 이를 근거로 한국영상자료원은 1910년대 후반에서 1920년대 초에 촬영된 것으로 보는 것이 더욱 타당하다는 의견을 내놓고 있습니다. 로이 채프먼이 직접 촬영하였다면 일본과 조선을 경유하여 중국을 탐사했던 1916~1917년의 동물학 조사 여행, 또는 1920년대 초반까지 수차례 진행한 고비사막 여행 중 한 시기일 것으로도 추정하고 있습니다.
이 일제강점기 영상의 한 가지 특이점은 조선을 “일본 지방”으로 소개하고 “몇 세기 전의 부패적인 정부가 나무를 없앤 서울 주변 언덕들에 일본이 현재 다시 나무를 심는 좋은 일을 하고 있다”라고 언급하고 있다는 점입니다. 이를 통해 일제강점기 초기임에도 불구하고 해외 방문자들에게 한국이 일본의 통제 하에 있는 식민지로서 안내를 받았음을 추측해 볼 수 있습니다.

원본에 더해 제가 수정한 부분은 다음과 같습니다.
1. 1912년 Roy Chapman Andrews가 한복을 입은 모습을 도입부에 추가하였습니다.
2. Topaz Video Enhance AI를 통해 HD화질로 개선하였습니다.
3. 간자막의 흔들림을 모두 없애고 짧게 처리하였습니다. 
4. 한글 자막을 추가하였습니다. 



  1. Roy Chapman Andrews. 제명미상(미국 자연사박물관의 경성 기록영상). 한국영상자료원 https://www.kmdb.or.kr/db/kor/detail/movie/B/08176 (1912).
  2.  최영진. 해외 방문자가 바라본 조선의 풍경 - 2017년 한국 관련 해외 기록영화 수집 이야기. 한국영상자료원 https://www.kmdb.or.kr/story/177/3656 (2018).
  3. Kendra Meyer. Andrews, Roy Chapman, 1884-1960. American Museum of Natural History https://data.library.amnh.org/archives-authorities/id/amnhp_1000042 (2022).
  4. Roy Chapman Andrews and Yvette Borup Andrews. Camps and Trails in China. (D. Appleton and Company, 1918), p.6.
  5. Roy Chapman Andrews. Roy Chapman Andrews in Korean dress, Korea. AMNH Research Library https://lbry-web-007.amnh.org/digital/index.php/items/show/22967 (1912).
  6. Gary Kroll. Roy Chapman Andrews and the business of exploring: cetology and conservation in progressive America. Endeavour 24, 79–84 https://doi.org/10.1016/S0160-9327(00)01288-6 (2000).
  7. Clive Coy. Collecting Roy Chapman Andrews: Part 1. WHALES, CAMPS & TRAILS http://whalescampsandtrails.blogspot.com/2011/01/collecting-roy-chapman-andrews-part-1.html (2020).
  8. Lars Schladitz. Whaling, Science, and Trans-Maritime Networks, 1910–1914. Transcultural Studies 5, 164–189 https://heiup.uni-heidelberg.de/journals/index.php/transcultural/article/view/11454/8647%EF%BB%BF (2014).
  9. Robert Neff. Hunting ‘devilfish’ in Korea in 1912. koreatimes https://www.koreatimes.co.kr/www/opinion/2022/06/715_315714.html%EF%BB%BF (2021).
  10. Daniel Pfeiffer. Andrews Whaling Expedition to Korea (1911–12) | The Future of Truth. Uconn.edu https://futureoftruth.uconn.edu/seeing-truth/instigator-objects/andrews-whaling-expedition-to-korea/ (2021).
  11. Joel Asaph Allen and Roy Chapman Andrews. Mammals collected in Korea. Bulletin of the AMNH ; v. 32, article 24. Amnh.org https://digitallibrary.amnh.org/items/2f9583d8-4345-4104-9616-3c899d8e03d7 (1913).
